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Submitted by: Yip Bop
For the past 15 years, I refused to drink tap water unless it was filtered, and even then, I preferred bottled water, whether it was Calistoga, Evian or whatever sounded pure. I had no idea as to the harm I was putting into my body nor did I realize that even though I recycled my plastic bottles, most of them were just sitting in a landfill and will probably remain there for the next 1000 years or so. I have to mention that I also reused my bottles with filtered water which I drank at nights, not to mention a case of water in the trunk of the car in case it was needed.
I came across a website called “The Story of Bottled Water” by Annie Leonard, and boy, was that an eye opener. I suggest everyone watch that video as well as “The Story of Stuff”.
Have you ever wondered about what happens to all your plastic bottles after you drink the water in them? Do they really recycle all of them? Watch the video and you will be shocked at the piles of plastic bottles in landfills just sitting there as well as bottles washing out to the sea poisoning the marine life.
Like I said, I also reused my plastic bottles filling them with Brita water, thinking that was OK. Boy was I wrong. I discovered that these plastic bottles and many other plastic goods we use on a daily basis contain this dangerous and toxic chemical called Bisphenol-A which can leach into the water with repeated use or even exposure to sunlight and heat. Not only that, as these bottles are for single use only, reusing them may cause bacterial contamination in the bottle as well.
There are so many negatives associated with using plastic bottles that it is not worth even considering their use. Plastic is very difficult to recycle as it is petroleum based and it never really breaks down; it just breaks into small fragments in time. The water that is sold in the bottle is also not necessarily safe either as the chemicals can leach into them not to mention that they don’t have stringent laws for the quality of water. Some Bottled water companies even sell tap water as bottled water! Let’s not forget that bottled water is quite expensive, running around $1 for a small bottle – it’s not worth it.
About a year ago, I was at the store and I came across a stainless steel bottle that was advertising itself as BPA-free as well as a food grade stainless steel bottle. I bought 6 of them for myself and my family. I will not send my kids to school with a plastic bottle of water anymore, it is just too dangerous. We use a Brita filter to reduce the chlorine and fluoride in our tap water and we fill our stainless steel bottles with the filtered tap water and I have to say, it is tastier and better than bottled water, which I found was hard water many times. We take our Stainless steel bottles everywhere including school, work, shopping, playgrounds, and parks and on long drives. There are so many benefits with drinking tap water in a stainless steel bottle but I will list a few.
-Stainless steel bottles are reusable.
-Stainless steel bottles are light.
-Stainless steel water bottles are made with 18/8 food-grade stainless steel (stainless steel 304).
-Stainless steel bottles are toxic-free and BPA-free and will not corrode.
-Stainless steel bottles are easy to clean and always look great.
-You can drink hot or cold beverages in a stainless steel bottle.
-Tap water is cheap.
-Tap water is regulated by the government and is monitored for its quality.
-Tap water tastes great and can be filtered for chlorine or whatever you want to take out of it.
-Tap water is healthier; it is NOT stuck in a bottle sitting around in the sun developing bacteria.
About the Author: My name is Yip Bop and I write blogs about our World with stories and insights that may not be written in your daily newspaper.
The Green Bottle
is an informational material and resources blog to promote Stainless Steel Water Bottles for Health and living Green. The Green Bottle offers a wide selection of high quality
stainless steel water bottles
made from 18/8 food-grade stainless steel and are BPA FREE.
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