How To Stick To Your New Years’ Fitness Resolution}

How to Stick to Your New Years’ Fitness Resolution


Megan Hazel-We all know what it’s like to make a New Year’s Resolution with the best of intentions. We start out really positive, really motivated, really strong. No matter what the resolution, though, after about three weeks it just doesn’t seem to be at the top of our priority list any longer. With fitness, maybe in the past you have promised yourself that you will meet a certain goal in a certain time this New Year, only to find yourself getting more and more discouraged as time passes and you haven’t met that goal. Don’t set yourself up to fail! You can create success by doing the following:

1.Map out a plan. You have heard the old adage “Those who fail to plan, plan to fail”? Nowhere is this truer than in the area of health and fitness. You simply can’t decide to get in better shape or eat right without mapping out steps to follow through. If you decide to go to the gym, you need to decide what you are going to do there. Wandering around the equipment or deciding on the fly will not produce nearly the same results as having a goal and sticking to it. You may decide, for example, that you are going to commit to going to the gym five days a week. The next step here is to commit to doing specific exercises on those five days. For example, you could do 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and weight train Tuesdays and Thursdays. You could “allow” yourself to choose the cardio machine each day to mix it up or keep it interesting, but stick to a specific plan for the days you strength train. By focusing on specific body parts on specific days, you will not only notice results in those areas in less time, you will remain motivated to keep it up. Why? Because you set a goal – doing back and biceps on Tuesday, for example, and chest and triceps on Thursday – and stuck to it! Pretty soon, your small achievements will turn into big ones.

2.Mix it up every six weeks. Once you have the routine down and you are feeling good about yourself, the last thing you want to do is fall into a rut. Many people abandon their fitness goals because they fall into the same pattern each time they exercise, and it feels more like a chore than a fun activity. If you find yourself on the same treadmill in the same row next to the same person at the gym every day, move on to the elliptical machine or the stationary bike instead. If you really enjoy the treadmill but you run the same three miles each time you’re on it, try switching to one of the pre-programmed options on the treadmill, or make your own routine. For example, you could do intervals – running at a higher speed than usual for two minutes and walking for one minute in between – until your usual amount of time has elapsed. The same holds true for weight lifting. If you usually do 10-12 reps for 3 sets of a given weight, try lifting lighter weight and doing twice the number of repetitions, or heavier weight but fewer reps. Take a class that’s offered, or even join a league sport or get outside for some other fitness options. You will stay fresh and energized and a lot less prone to the fitness blues.

3.Find “your” time of day. Making exercise enjoyable cannot be done if it doesn’t feel like something you are doing for yourself and no one else. A big part of this pleasure comes from finding a time of the day you can carve out for “just you”. This means a time of day that is generally open to you to do as you please, and that will not come with constant interruptions as the week’s progress. It also means a time of day with which you are physically comfortable. If you tend to eat a really early dinner, you are likely not going to want to exercise right after work. If you are the type of person who doesn’t mind eating lunch at your desk, perhaps a mid-day workout is just what you need to keep you alert and focused for the rest of your day and stay strong with your new exercise program. If you’re the kind that leaps out of bed in the morning, a pre-dawn run outside may be just your ticket. Whatever works for you, do not underestimate finding a time of day that best suits your wants and the needs of yourself, work, and family.

By simply thinking ahead and incorporating these three simple ideas, you are already on your way to making life changes you can stick with, and that is the key. Good luck on your New Year and New You!

About Author:

Megan Hazel is a freelance writer who writes about health and fitness topics, similar to what consumers read in Shape Magazine

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